Best tips for preparing tennis matches

on the rise tennis academy


 In the competitive world of tennis, success on the court is not solely determined by skill and talent. Adequate preparation before a match is crucial for maximizing performance and increasing the likelihood of victory. From physical conditioning to mental fortitude, every aspect of preparation plays a vital role in enhancing your game. In this article, you will explore the best tips for preparing for tennis matches, equipping you with the knowledge and strategies to excel on the court.

Preparing for the tennis match

Athletic preparation, nutrition, and mental training: these are the three cornerstones for a tennis player who must prepare for an important competition; let’s explore them in detail:

Athletic Training

Tennis, unlike many other disciplines, is a so-called "situation" sport, i.e., in which no game situation is the same as another. Tennis, therefore, requires individual training planning to ensure the harmonious and balanced development of all the main physical-athletic qualities: strength (think of the explosiveness of a serve or the strength of the legs for sprints), endurance (to maintain performance at a high level for a prolonged time) and speed (in moving and in the execution of shots). For this reason, it is advised to choose private tennis lessons san diego that is varied and complete, taking into account some advice.

  • Perform runs at various speed levels, whether practicing long distances or high-intensity explosive speed.

  • As far as weightlifting is concerned, the important thing is not to overdo it. The goal is not to pump up your arms and legs but to build strength and lean muscle mass. Therefore, give preference to exercises for the shoulders (lateral and front raise) and legs, but with light weights.


For the tennis player, it is not necessary to load up on carbohydrates and increase body mass. Training leads to the burning of many excess calories: low body fat content is a question of balancing the energy absorbed and the energy burned by the body through exercise. It is important that your body absorbs the right amount of protein and carbohydrates after each workout, but your goal is not mass, so it is preferable to limit your intake of saturated fat and refined carbohydrates.

Another important element for those who train in view of a tennis tournament is water: water helps to keep the temperature of our body constant through sweat, which contains mineral salts; hence its importance for those who play sports is evident. An insufficient intake of liquids causes loss of mineral salts, fatigue, and serious damage to the body. Mineral salts perform many important tasks, such as transporting oxygen to cells; there are about 22, and among the most important, there is certainly magnesium, which contributes to the reduction of the sense of tiredness and fatigue, potassium which facilitates muscle function and blood pressure and zinc which helps the antioxidant action.

Therefore it is necessary to drink plenty of water, both normal and enriched with mineral salts, but also solid foods such as fruit and vegetables.

Mental Training

Mental preparation is essential for tennis: this involves simple and easily replicable strategies and techniques to better manage tension during a match that can last many hours. Mental training offered by san diego tennis camp for the tennis player focuses, above all, on making the athlete mentally ready for sudden changes of concentration. From the absolute concentration of the game to the detachment and rest, even mental, during the mini-breaks.

Furthermore, it is essential that the tennis player constantly works, throughout his career, on his self-esteem, his determination, the belief that he can win against anyone, and above all, on the awareness of his own means. The greatest champions have gotten to where they are, thanks to commitment, dedication, and hard work. It's important to set your own goals, but many tennis players need the help of a mental coach for all of these exercises.



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